
As we come out of the Summer many of us face a “get back to business” pace that may have relaxed for vacations, time with family or business seasonality. That makes September a perfect time to evaluate where you are in your year and plan now for how you will meet, exceed or redirect your goals. Here’s 3 “tricks” to making it happen fast.
The first step is re-rationalizing your goals you may have set early in the year and may, or may not, have re-evaluated throughout the year. Either way you need to start with MEASURING where you are, disconnect yourself from the things you can’t control and RATIONALIZE your [adjusted?] goals. To do this you have to reconnect your passion to those goals, and that needs to be an emotional connection to be more powerful.
To make it real your goals should lead to something you can visualize, it may or may not be a thing; a car, boat or a college tuition, a pension payment or catching up on a credit card–or making the mortgage. Create a vision that makes the goal matter to you and it will foster your true need, and true motivation to achieve with focus on that vision. Make a picture you can always see whether an image, a drawing, a word or a reminder that rings the visual bell.
Second, recognize that your attitude may rise and fall and you may or may not have the best techniques, skills or products in your field but you can always control your BEHAVIORS–the things you know you need to do to make your goals. Knowing but not doing, for any number of excuses, is the most common failure of business owners and professionals alike so ACCOUNTABILITY becomes paramount. Start with putting the things you MUST DO on your schedule and, surprise…DO THEM. You can hold yourself accountable with a journal or, to be more effective, find a like-motivated professional(s) who will work as Accountability Partner(s), where you regularly share plans and results. It’s amazing how motivating not wanting to say out loud you didn’t do what you know you should have done can be.
Finally, give to get, but put in the context of making an INVESTMENT IN YOURSELF. Starting by helping someone else absolutely triggers actions that create results; that’s the way the universe works! But besides investing in giving make sure you invest in your network and leverage it. Passive posts, blogs and updates aside, make sure you are contacting/connecting/meeting with people in your professional circles–networks, peers, competitors, whatever. Get at least one extra meeting on your calendar every week and unexpected consequences will surely bear fruit. Finally, make an investment in personal discovery. Investing your time and/or money can be as simple as buying a book, [paying attention to] a webinar or going on YouTube and watching experts and taking notes. Every successful athlete knows they can be taught and learn to make improvements so you would do well to invest in a mentor, a class, coach or professional trainer but make sure you are open to change and are committed to taking your learning/teachings through to motivated action(s) [That you put on your schedule and are accountable for, of course!]. The legion of success from this strategy is close to a surefire way to improve your returns and help you blow out your results.
These 3 things may be basic, but success doesn’t usually follow complexity it follows simplicity. Measure, Plan, Account, Invest, Act…and WIN!!
1. Re-rationalize your goals
• Are you making or missing? Do you need to adjust up or down or change what/how you are doing things
• Have a visual reason your number is important to you
• Your goals shouldn’t all be about money but they should all be measurable and they should all matter
2. Raise your Behavior Accountability
• Honestly project what you need to do, when and how often
• Put it on your schedule
• Find an accountability partner, even if it’s just your journal
3. Make a Selling Investment in yourself
• Reach out to someone you can help (invest in giving)
• Get in front of people every week (invest your time), leverage your networking, your clients, your contacts
• Make a personal discovery investment (buy a book, webinar, class, coach) and follow through with motivated action(s)

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