How You Can Help

Even the most hardened cynics might have been seen experiencing a genuine moment or two of hope in recent days. In New York we had our Pope near 24/7 media exposure but even the massive overexposure didn’t “cynicize” viewers because the message was simple, inclusive and hopeful.

To end the NY weekend was a concert in Central Park that you could only get a ticket for if you were actually doing something to prove your Global Citizen status. By creating a registry for positive change a young Australian has created a massive movement of possibility that, if nothing else, documents and socializes so many acts of doing good.

So how can you and your company help? Help to do what you may say?  The point is that the actions of doing good for others, not yourself are not defined by the cause but for the energy shared towards having a positive impact. Organizations that use community outreach or team charity drives with incentives or matching in effort or in dollars, can generate lots of money for change and lots of goodwill and sense of togetherness.

If cynicism infects your organization when it comes to team charity imagine how much cynicism there must be among the staff when it comes to process improvement? So caring together can become a habit. Care about something outside yourself and you change the world, a little. Learn to care as a group and you won’t find people who don’t act because, well because they don’t care.

Caring about others is returned to you as an individual and as an institution. Don’t believe me, try it! That is, of course, if you can get over your cynicism about the miracle of teamwork combined with team caring.

Tom Fox